I know how you feel. I by no means consider myself a loyal democrat or republican in this election. In all honesty I have lost any and all respect for both parties that currently control our political system. The last republican president we elected spent astronomical amounts on an unnecessary war, and Obama is making unemployment only seem the more attractive option to our future graduates.
Despite my discouragement, I am not throwing in the white flag. I have a deep respect for those who fought for every single woman's right to poll our opinion, and to me deciding not to vote is as horrific as silencing your own voice. By silencing the voices of the unhappy, we are throwing away the chances of this country making the right decision for ourselves instead of selling out to the self-serving red or blue team. Seems the only way to get any airtime is to align with the republican or democratic party (and their policies) in exchange for their endorsement (aka selling out).
This is not the way I want the country I raise my kids in to be. America was established as a place of independent thinkers- without religious persecution, where one could live peacefully and work hard toward making something of himself. Today we are far from that - obsessed with celebrity and paralyzed by what other people will think if we step out of the box- I was almost nervous to write this article for fear of what people would think! But despite the pressures of conformism, the truth always comes out, so might as well rip off the bandaid. America prides itself on being the land of opportunity- and success looks far in the distance these days.
Can I just say that I by no stretch of the imagination consider myself an expert on these matters. (I like to call myself internet-ucated. It's the future, get on board people.) During my exploration of whats out there on the world wide web, I began to develop an opinion on where this is all going. I highly recommend this. Not only is it empowering to know what's going on, but I found out that Obama was responsible for my huge doctor bill and that Romney would probably appeal the right to gay marriage, which would crush many of my friends and loved ones. Seemed hopeless. But I kept looking, and did find a candidate that I could support within the independents Technically he's a libertarian, and we get along like peas and carrots. He even thinks marijuana should be legalized (paying premium for the wacky? No problem)!
I realize that my candidate will most likely not win. I don't care. My mark on the polls will show my growing discontentment with bipartisanship and a consciousness that there are alternatives. I know for a fact that others I know feel this way, and if we would all stand up to the political monster that has been telling us what's right and wrong then we may stand a chance at ending up on top.
And if the weed analogy didn't get you- lets get realistic. Look outside yourself for a minute. What does the future look like for our children? Will our parents have the right to medical coverage? If we can cut the crap and budget the deficit now, in five years time it will be easier to get a loan, to buy a house, or open a business of your very own. Sure sounds like a dream to me.
We all agree that America needs a "change". You have the power this time, not Obama's speechwriter. Get online, educate yourself- and let your voices be heard tonight at the polls.